Friday, September 30, 2011

Jeremiah Johnson

Seriously, the best thing about this movie is the DVD cover.

It only makes sense that the pitch for Jeremiah Johnson went something like this:

“Okay so we have this guy come out to the Rockies to get away from civilization because he’s tired of people for some reason or another, it doesn’t really matter why. Anyway the guy tries to live in the mountains but he gets interrupted by some Indians killing some people. He upsets some more Indians, and they kill his Indian wife. By the way he marries an Indian; it’ll be hilarious. Now for the next few years an Indian will show up every now and then to try to kill him. He tries to kill them too but he really just wants to be left alone. Eventually the Indians are cool with him because they respect him and that’s that.”

“Okay, sounds good. Let’s write a script.”

“No, that is the script. The whole thing.”

“How’s that going to fill two hours?”

“I don’t know. It’s going to be boring as hell. We should probably get Robert Redford. It doesn’t matter that he can’t act. He just has to walk from point A to point B constantly and he’ll look damn good doing it.”

“Good idea! People will definitely pay to look at Robert Redford for two hours."

"Since we don’t have much in the way of a movie lets get someone really great to direct it and see what they can do with it.”

“Or we could just get Sydney Pollack to do it. He knows how to point and tell people where to stand. We need a simple director to tell a simple story. He won’t muddle up the film by making it more interesting or let quality get in the way of Robert Redford looking good.”

“Nice. Let’s do it."